Originally Posted by tommy gun
Yeah, of course it depends on the dudes.
(I'm not gay though, just thought I'd point that out!!!!!!!)
And thanks, dude!! 
Originally Posted by tommy gun
I find two dudes getting physical with each other extremely arousing and I have absolutely no explanation. 
Hmmmm.... I mean, if you say so.
Naw but really though that's an interesting perspective- to be hetero(?)sexual though still turned on by homosexual behavior in people of the same(?) gender.
I don't think it's just that though. I had a coworker who wasn't... overtly homophobic but just incredibly ignorant and immature about homosexuals. Like, one time we had this older couple- two dudes, and he just couldn't stop snickering about them. And another time we had a lesbian couple come in, one of them had to leave early so they kissed goodbye and after they'd both left the same coworker was all like "YO BRO DID YOU SEE THAT THAT WAS SO HOT!" Those words exactly. I just can't understand it.