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Old 09-23-2014, 04:10 PM   #5800 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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re: independence, it's something I did a lot of thinking about. The man who posted the first reply is not the man who posted the second.
Lord forbid someone may change their views regarding an issue as massive as the future of the country.
I think most of the eventual Yes voters switched allegiances from the introduction of the concept of the referendum up to voting day.

Even the most hardened of Yes voters would admit that the campaign was still shrouded in mystery when it first became clear the choice was going to be made.

Regarding the aftermath. I feel empty and disappointed more than anything. All we wanted was a fairer, and more equal society with control over our own governance and resources.
Not too much to ask for. Look already what we've had. The bigwigs at Westminster already backing out of the guarantees they made to Scottish people, the best First Minister we ever had resigning and Benteke's Rangers pals causing riots. Yup, well done No voters. You did this.
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