Music Banter - View Single Post - PRAC Discussion Thread: Anubis, "A Tower of Silence"
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Old 09-19-2014, 07:53 AM   #2 (permalink)
Thelonious Monkey
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Before I go on I just want to say that I am bad at reviewing albums and don't know how to structure myself so I might be all over the place.

I recently just got into prog rock through listening to Scenes from a Memory by Dream Theater and Rising by Rainbow. So I was a bit spoilt when it came to long instrumentals. I especially look forward to those. 'A Tower of Silence' had some long instrumentals and they were very epic but they weren't where the album shined for me. (Although that saxophone solo towards the end of "The Holy Innocent" has to be applauded.)

I found the lyrics to be the best part of this album. They were very poetic and combined with the rhythmic style of the music, really made it feel sort of mystical and atmospheric. As for the concept, for some reason I find it hard to remember and keep track of whats going on. I went on to their website and read up afterwards and once I go back for a second listen, the impact of the album will be greater.

All in all, it gets a 8/10 for me. I am looking forward to seeing what other prog rock albums are put up in this club thread. Please feel free to criticize me as much as possible if need be. I am aware that my experience in prog rock is very low so maybe if you recommend albums so I get a better idea with the genre. Also I have never done a review of anything so sorry if it is pretty vague or boring.

Thanks for reading.
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