Who here will confess to being a Nerd? They used to get a really bad rap, but a programme I watched recently reminded me that without Nerds we would not have the massive advances we have today in the fields of computer technology, mobile phones and so much more. In a very real way, Nerds make the world go round.
So who will stand with me? I've been a Nerd forever: into comics, computers, sci-fi etc. I'm dorky (even though the inestimable Professor Frink postulates that Nerd stands for Not Even Remotely Dorky!) and while not exactly awkward with girls I'm not quite fighting them off with a stick either! I'm the one my neighbours call when their computers, TVs or whatever aren't working (the poor fools!)

and I spend way more time on my computer than I do in the fresh air. I attach a lot more significance to TV programmes than I probably should, and I play no sports and have the kind of body a stick insect would be envious of.
And I love being a Nerd!
So who else will testify? It's not like the old days: the stock image of the geeky teenage boy covered in acne with his home science kit or homebuilt computer has been long erased from Mankind's consciousness --- sort of --- ladies can now be Nerds too, so don't be shy girls!
One of us, one of us, one of us...