Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
I like you  I'm pretty sure you were one of the first people to welcome me. You just don't post often(or in the threads I read), so I don't know you very well. Also, **** what anyone here thinks about you, it's a forum!
Wow I welcomed you?
Heh heh, I think you were probably the last person I welcomed. I found doing that to be a often-times fruitless endeavor and I quit.
Oh and I don't care what people think of me (which means
I do).
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Wpnfire: A little pussybitch who needs to step into oncoming traffic already. His love for eighties black metal is his only redeeming quality.
I love you too! Now burn in hell.
Originally Posted by WhateverDude
I think we're just in different places on the forums
I've noticed I rarely venture out beyond the metal threads. I need to fix that. I'm off to resurrect my club.