Are you congratulating me for choosing an album that didn't make the
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die list?

If not you had 14 perfectly good chances to make that same announcement when other members were selecting albums found on
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. I was wondering why did you wait for me to post an album that wasn't mentioned in the list to say it?
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die
Published in 2005 by Cassell Illustrated.
- Alice in Chains – Dirt
- Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band – Trout Mask Replica
- Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas
- Green Day – Dookie
- Jesus & Mary Chain – Psychocandy
- Minor Threat – Out of Step (included in Complete Discography)
- My Bloody Valentine – Loveless
- Nico – Chelsea Girl
- Nirvana – In Utero
- Pearl Jam – Ten
- Prodigy – Fat of the Land
- REM – Murmur
- Soundgarden – Superunknown
- War – World is a Ghetto
Is the list for the members of MusicBanter or is it a list against all prior lists by excluding albums & artist who make it into other lists? I thought it was cool that I saw Minor Threat and War mentioned. I didn't care if they made our list and another published list.
I've read what duga & norg had to say. I don't think we have to worry about bumping off, trimming or excluding albums until we reach 1,001 albums. And if we ever do exceed 1,001 albums, instead of deleting albums off the list, we should split it onto two 1.) albums that MB members agree should be on Cassell Pub.
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die and 2.)
MusicBanter's Addendum to the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, which would be albums that are not found on 1001 AYMHBYD.
edit: So to leave room for more albums and to avoid having someone album taken off the list. But then again they are already numbered and accounted for. idk