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Old 08-31-2014, 11:11 AM   #5606 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: East of the Southern North American West
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1. If you could place yourself in/on any album cover, which would you choose?

2. Which song lyric most confuses you?

Because I have no idea what they're saying, I can't find the translated lyrics. In terms of lyrics I know, a lot of boom bip & doseone's work like Gin or Questions Over Coffee have some right perplexing lyrics. That's why I love it so much though.

3. Do you play the DVD commentaries?

If I really like whatever's being commentated on I usually do. I used to have 6 or 7 Simpsons seasons and the commentary from the writers and guests (Phil Hartman, John Lovetz, and Conan O'Brien.

4. Who is your favorite Wu-Tang member?

Ghostface duh.

5. Describe your favorite local venue.

At my school there's this massive cathedral where they hold performances. The acoustics are wonderful and there's this massive pipe organ in there that I've had the privilege of playing one day when I tried the door and it was unlocked. I doubt I even unlocked half of its potential but that was really fun. I want to play a performance there one of these days.

6. Describe your favorite local band.

Well, there's my avant garde group Wolves in Sheepskin that I'ven't seen any local bands live up to (even within their own genres). The closest I've seen is Penis Hickey, a duo made up of bass and drums who play hardcore free jazz. The bassist leaves a lot to be desired but their drummer kicks a lot of ass for sure.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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