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Old 08-31-2014, 02:52 AM   #8 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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Default Here's album #8

Band: The Afghan Whigs
Album: Do to the Beast
Release: April 15th, 2014 via Sub Pop Records
Length: 41:00

1. Parked Outside
2. Matamoros
3. It Kills
4. Algiers
5. Lost in the Woods
6. The Lottery
7. Can Rova
8. Royal Cream
9. I Am Fire
10. These Sticks

This next album, and band. They're not a band I ever heard of until a few months ago. The Afghan Whigs. Doing a slight bit of research. I guess the band has been around since the mid 80's. The only two original members since the reuinion and new album, are singer/guitarist Greg Dulli, and bassist John Curley.

Do to the Beast is the first studio album in 16 years for the band. It serves as my introduction to the band and so far, I really like what I hear. Greg has an interesting voice, not to mention vocal style but I like it. It sort of gives the music they play, which to me sounds like a sort of classic rock, with pinches of modern alternative. Not sure I'm right about the classic rock part.

Collectively. The album resonates with a sonic pulse, it's got an aggressively hungry appetite, and from what I have heard of older material, it does not sound like the band has lost much or any edge. A band that came to mind when I first heard this band, was She Wants Revenge. I think the comparison is valid. And just because I think it is there. There's a taste of a Nine Inch Nails vibe in some of the songs present on Do to the Beast. The material is somewhat dark in tone, as for what the album is saying collectively, I am unsure of presently. But I know I like what I hear.

If you're looking for something to satisfy your fix for smart, aggressive alternative music. I think this will do well for you. It's funny that I said I wouldn't be reviewing much alternative in this thread. But when it's good. It's good.

Stand out tracks:

It Kills
The Lottery
Can Rova <---- My favorite track from the album...

Last edited by CoNtrivedNiHilism; 08-31-2014 at 05:48 AM.
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