Originally Posted by Neapolitan
DJ and I had almost the same exact conversation in plug.dj.
>GuitarBizzare calls for Sansa's ban
>Sansa gets banned
>GuitarBizzare immediately fills in Sansa's shoes and lectures other members on gender appropriate language.
Look, if you can't handle the fact I'm White Cishet Male / Libertarian / Self-Harm Sorcerer / Fictive (Abusive!Cronus+Bipolar!Twogami) / Wiccan / TERF / Robin Thicke Fan / Unrepentant Arm-Sawer / Anti-Vaxx / Big Pharma Shill / Straight Pride Activist / Safeword-Critical BDSM Daddy / Ageist / Pro-Lifer / 1%er / Christian / Brony / Demiromantic / Vegan / Men's Rights Advocate / Truscum / Redditor / Rape Culture Appropriator / INTJ / Gay Basher / This Sidebar / Is Nothing But Lies / You Won't Even Read It / You Are Way Too Buttmad / Social Justice Warrior Scum / Man-Harlot / Magjyick User/ Transethnic Canadian / Anti-theist / Total Sex God / Gaslight Repairman / TransCisgender / Butt King / Coercively Assigned Human At Birth / Fsdfd Fsdfdfs / He-Man Woman Hater / Rat Killer / Cultural Appropriator / Suicide Truth Bomber / Kinkshamer / Breatharian / Darwin Award Winner (1996-Present) / Kindergarten Teacher / Bigot / Multiple System / Tulpa Orgy Coordinator / Bitcoin Banker / Friendzone Strip-Miner / Libertarian / Nice Guy,
Then we probably shouldn't be friends you ****ing sexist pig ********er lol I'm the best person I know.