Music Banter - View Single Post - 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die- Music Banter Edition
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Old 08-28-2014, 01:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
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the last shadow puppets -The Age Of The Understatement
Pretty much a beatles Insipired band 100% but IMO this album is so good it can stand along side the beatles. in terms of quality of the songs and dare i say far superior and better then some of the beatles catalog. and that is a hard thing to do since alot of people hold the beatles at such a high peadlestoll . this is a supergroup if u will a duo but from all the sounds coming out of this album u would think it was a 16 peiece orcahstra band. a perfect blend of pop rock and melodic riffs and of course british flavor also some of the songs have a Disney theme park feel to me. and i say that in a good way maybe the old 80's disney good stuff most of these songs have a orcstra in the back ground to fill the songs. horns, bells, keys, vilions, preccusion the hole nine they spare no exspense ! they also added 4 more songs later on to make this a 18 track album. Massive ! some of my fav tracks are Wondrous Place, My Mistakes Were Made For You,Standing Next To Me.


secret chiefs 3 - Book of Horizons

Middle eastern Surf death metal pop electronic rock band nuff said right. this band is a mixture of all that obvs fans of Bungle would love this band since its fronted by prob one of my fav compsers and guitar players Trey spurance. i just really like this band and album becasue it goes from like Death metal blast beats to film music to Jazz and then busts out crazy sounds into a melodic part. dis is really cream of da crop stuff IMO, my fav tracks are Book T: Exodus,The 3,The 4 (Great Ishraqi Sun).


Deadsy- Commencement

the devil SEED OF CHER MUHAHAHAHA (Her Son).... so yeah this is Uhhh 80'd Death, Synth, pop, electronic, Metal and some slower Droney songs. gee what can i say about this band, i will say IMO this was the band the represnted the Nu metal sound at the time not in terms of the traditonal sound but in terms of the freedom to make whatever type of hard music they wanted. like it really was kinda "New metal" but obvs they took sounds from the 80's but molded it in a modern way. i really like the song Mansion World very classic 80's breakbeat drums and just dronnyy sludgyy guitars and then a onslaught of keys and synths at the end .
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