Music Banter - View Single Post - 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die- Music Banter Edition
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Old 08-28-2014, 11:02 AM   #3 (permalink)
Music Addict
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65. Horse Stories by Dirty Three (1995)

True story: when I travelled to Australia, I spent the entire 15 hour flight from LA to Sydney listening to nothing but Dirty Three albums. I am not exactly sure what possessed me to do this, but it's remained one of the more powerful music experiences that I've had. Horse Stories was at the forefront of this endeavour; I must have listened to it 3 or 4 times during. I basically link it with looking out of a plane window now. It's very reflective for me. For either remembering or reconciling the past to wondering about the future. It's not by any means a happy album, in fact the tone is quite sad, but it's hopeful (it's got a goddamn song named Hope after all). If there's ever an album I'd want to be hearing as a plane spirals into the ocean, it's this one.

The calmness of falling with the chaos of the impact

I remember reading once about how they sound like a band just warming up their instruments. I like that description, even though it was used negatively. And it's probably not inaccurate. It sounds like a fairly simple concept really, like a lullaby. But it ebbs and flows perfectly. Not unlike flying at all.
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