Originally Posted by Necromancer
I wasn't actually referring to Soulflower sweetheart, I think she actually contributes to the music forums. She at least stays in her element of bands and artist she is actually most familiar with. I've liked her since day one, when she first became a member here at MB.
And who in the hell gives a good fuck if she has her Facebook account in her signature anyway. That's her buissness and nobody else's.
I was referring to the all time great MB member Batlord in my previous statement. The fucking guy talks some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard. About having sex with toy dolls, etc. Just nasty ass shit that's not funny at all. I could care less what is said in the lounge forums, but keep you stupid fucking dumb comments out of the music forums if you don't know what in the hell your talking about.
Is this because I said Bad Company was a seventies version of Nickelback? I say a few not so complimentary things about some band you like, then you get defensive and throw a temper tantrum (I'm referring to the little whine-fest a few days ago), and yet somehow I'm the *******? You're coming off like a juggalo right now.