Originally Posted by WhateverDude
LiLs has always been pretty damn cool to me, not sure why anyone would think she's a twat she's pretty great imo.
I don't entirely agree with everything I've seen from her(?) but SoulFlower seems equally opinionated as she is respectful of other people's opinions. That whole NM thread is a mess of drama I didn't even wanna bother with but it seems like more than a few people take issue with her stating her views there.
LiL has been very nice to me so far, I don't dislike anyone here atm. I feel most people are actually respectful and decent if you can get past some friendly digs at each other.
Where was the drama? Do you consider any sort of debate with strong opinions drama? Idk if this was directed at me or someone else but if it was towards the discussion Soulflower and I were having I think you are way off base.
I know Vanilla got a little upset but it was all of what, two posts? I wouldn't call that a mess of drama.