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Old 08-19-2014, 11:47 AM   #14408 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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if you saw it at home that would be just fine....although the film has some wonderful shots...Linklater is not what you would call a camera savvy director.....this is 100% story....and a damn good one at that



this is easily my favorite film of the year....or at least tied with my previous favorite

i'm gonna try to write this without any major spoilers....but there will be a couple of minor....really you already know what the general idea of this film


going into to see this i was prepared to watch a boy of 6 grow into a young man of 18....what i was not prepared for was to watch his family grow with.....and that is what makes this film so powerful

don't get me wrong this film centers around Mason....but in my opinion the stellar performances come from the two unnamed characters....Mom and Dad...played perfectly by Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke....the two ending scenes with each character (which are separate) are easily the best of the entire film

so what is so wonderful about this film is the fact that it really concentrates on just how wonderful the mundane parts of our live really are....there is no shocking moments....i mean i did clasp my hands to my mouth a few times in particular with Mason's first stepfather....but really this is three hours of watching people live and at the end all i wanted was to keep following them

seriously three hours and i wanted more and still want more.....even though this almost in no way reflected my boyhood....except the shaving of his head.....i know that feeling all to well as my mothers sperm donor had done exactly that to me when i was the scene of him playing sick and the scene of him returning to school and the embarrassment that comes with it....really struck a chord with me....this film really is a perfect mix of all emotions....i honestly cannot remember a film that brought out everything in me....i nodded, i laughed, i gasped, i smiled, and i cried....and by that damn near perfect ending i wanted more

the filming is good but nothing spectacular....but i will point it was said on the filmspotting is also an interesting experiment to watch Linklater himself grow as a director

anyways....i absolutely loved this and see this as becoming an annual film for me

easily 5/5
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