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Old 08-19-2014, 08:00 AM   #14406 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy View Post
Finally got to see Boyhood.

What an absolutely wonderful experience. I almost have trouble calling it a film because it's unlike anything I've ever seen and it clearly was not written like a normal film was. This was written on the fly, with Linklater taking into account all the mannerisms of people growing up during this changing time, and reflecting all of this confusion onto Mason. Just like many others have said, I almost feel like I was watching my childhood, and no other film I've ever watched was able to so accurately depict what it's like to grow up. The decision to make Mason mostly apathetic was also brilliant, as it was easy to project your personality onto him and feel even closer to his character.

Definitely one of my favorites. 10/10, a masterpiece and must-watch.
Cool! Looking forward to this

Is it a cinema movie or would you enjoy it as much from the couch at home?
Something Completely Different
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