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Old 08-17-2014, 01:22 PM   #97 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by MattMVS7 View Post
Not to mention, the ultimate mockery of all which is that, in the future, they might find a way to become immortal and eliminate many types of suffering (diseases and such). Everyone in the future might live a nice life of immortality while you and everyone else are "unfortunate" in that you will not only live lives of suffering and possible disease, but will die and remain dead in the end after all that suffering and no special reward for that suffering in the end. All of it was for nothing in the end. One might have the attitude of "At least I did my best in life" or that "At least I've helped others suffering," but even that will be all for nothing in the end because when you are dead, the fact that you made the best of your life would no longer matter and also that anyone you've inspired or helped in life--they will just die in the end as well. No, it doesn't matter how much of a person you are and what your desires are in life, this pathetic universe considers you "unfortunate" and, for that very reason, you are going to suffer and die and remain dead. Therefore, this is one of the main reason why I consider this life a pathetic joke and an utter mockery to us as human beings. This is why I wish I instead wasn't an atheist and believed there was a God and an afterlife of immortality and eternal joy.
Don't get me started. It's galling when I hear theories that maybe even a few decades after I'm dead they might finally get the technology to keep people living forever, and I get the shaft simply because I was born a few years too early. Life has been on this Earth for two billion years. The odds that I will have been born this close, but no cigar, on a two billion year timeline, has got to make Vegas odds look like a sure thing.

I as well look at life as a cruel joke. I can certainly find my own meaning and happiness in it with a little imagination, but the hilarity of human existence is still surreal. After all these years I'm just so used to seeing all of this madness that I'm pretty desensitized to it, so I am apathetically amused by it more than angry for the most part these days. I feel no need to reach for philosophies and religions that I don't believe in, since that desperate search for meaning in the face of meaninglessness when it comes at the expense of rationality is just another of life's jokes.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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