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Old 08-16-2014, 09:26 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MattMVS7 View Post
People who think they are special and such apply that perception to life itself and conclude that life itself must also be something special and meant for them. For example, someone who thinks "I am a very helpful and caring special person" might then conclude that this life must then be something special as well and offers a special "higher" reward for who they are as a person (a God and an afterlife). They are not willing to either accept that this is not the case and no longer complain about it, or they still insist on believing that there is a God and an afterlife anyway. I feel that the reason such people believe in such things anyway despite much scientific evidence is because they are just too much of a human being (someone great and special) to, again, possibly stoop so low as to believe or accept otherwise.
Sounds just like my mother, who became a "born again" Christian about 10 years ago. She's got problems like you wouldn't believe. Physically disabled to the point where she can't walk unassisted, just got diagnosed with spinal arthritis, had her gallbladder removed recently due to an aneurysm, struggling with anorexia (like daughter like mother) and she's getting a little senile but OH JESUS. JESUS CHRIST IS HER SAVIOR. HER LAWD. OH LAWDY LAWD IN HEAVEN JESUS WILL FIX US ALL.

I don't swear when I text/call my mother because she is so Christian. I live almost 2,000 miles away from her and I will absolutely not offend her like that because she will never let me hear the end of it. Her life is miserable as hell but apparently it's ALL GOOD because she's got JESUS CHRIST.

I just... I don't understand. Good on her for trying to cope with the fact that her life sucks but I can't help but feel like extreme Christianity is some sort of mental illness.
You and I,
We were born to die.
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