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Old 08-15-2014, 02:47 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
you present believing in god as if its some sort of stock option. either you believe or you don't. doesn't seem true to me so i don't believe. doesn't stop me from being happy. people are way too whiny about there not being an afterlife. boo hoo i don't get to live forever and i'll never have special powers. yea i'd love it if i was immortal and i'd love it if i was a millionaire. but just like i don't walk around trying to convince myself that i actually am a millionaire i don't see much point in dwelling on death. you are lucky to get 80 years on this planet in one of the richest countries in the world. show some gratitude for christ's sake. if i was god i would smite existential whiners out of spite.
The reason many people are whiny is that they are too much of a human being (someone great) to possibly accept or believe that there is no God or afterlife. They add their own personification as a human being and as someone great to reality itself and this is why they either whine that there is no God or afterlife or still believe that there is a God and an afterlife. In short, people who whine that there is no God or afterlife or who actually believe there is a God and an afterlife are the better people who have a sense of higher purpose/self to possibly stoop so low as to either, again, accept that there is no God and afterlife and not complain, or to no longer believe that there is a God and an afterlife.
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