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Old 08-15-2014, 12:32 PM   #11 (permalink)
The Sane Psycho
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post

5. Nico - Chelsea Girl

i'm sure the VU and Nico will end up here at some point....and it should be on a list like this....but i think Nico's first solo effort is as important and in many ways better

this entire album is oozing with emotion and many ways this is the first lofi indie rock album while at the same time being a true gothic rock album and a pure musical experiment

ironically Nico herself hated this album.....the production team completely ruined her original concept by adding flute and string has been said that she wanted a simple rock album

but me personally?....fuck that....these arrangements are a huge part of the appeal of this album.....the contrast between her cold as ice voice and these almost flowery arrangements often works....especially when put next to her despondent rock songs....

in my opinion this is an album that should be heard at least once by everyone
Thanks for posting! I'll be sure to check that album out. First, I want to listen to The Velvet Underground And Nico. Anyway, here's another album.

6. Pearl Jam- Ten (1991)

Along with Nevermind, this is the album crediting with popularizing Grunge. This was an album of a generation of youth. Aside from being mega successful, it was also mega good (forgive me for that).

Musically speaking, this doesn't have much in common with the raw, Punky Grunge of the likes of Nirvana or Mudhoney. Rather, Pearl Jam is far more influenced by Classic Rock than their contemporaries. With bluesy licks, a polished sound, and melodic, anthemic songs, this is Arena Rock through and through.

This album is also a showcase for Pearl Jam's great songwriting. Alive is a semi-autobiographical song about a son who learns that who he thought was his father really wasn't, and his mother, in her grief, becomes attracted to her son who looks like his real father. It forms a trilogy with Once (another song on the album) and Footsteps, and involves him snapping and going on a killing spree and ending up in prison. Jeremy is a heartfelt song inspired by a kid who committed suicide in front of his classmates.

This truly was a landmark Grunge album. It managed to sell platinum multiple times over, and it provided the soundtrack to many a teenager in the early '90s. Outliving their Grunge contemporaries and still going strong today, Ten is still a showcase for a band coming out of nowhere and blowing everyone away with their debut.

By the way, this is the real number 6.
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