Originally Posted by cheeseman
You should cange your name to halfwit87.You didn't read that properly at all!
Cats rape one another as do dogs, they are not people are they? To you they might be ,but not me.
So you would sooner have people in prison, putting ever increasing strain on a countries economy while they are (sometimes) better off e.g three meals a day and a roof over their heads.
A lot who go inside will reoffend so by ridding society of these leeches the cycle can be stopped
what the **** are you talkinga bout? animals rape each other? they don't have to cognitive capacity to understand what rape is! then them its all hormones, jesus. and no they aren't people, i never said they were. i said humans are animals. and yeah, i would rather have people in prison, im willing to pay the extra few tax dollars to rehabilitate my fellow citizens, and if they reoffend, then dont let them out for a very, very long time. and i was referring to drug traffickers for the most part, and don't give me that crap if you kill them its going to stop anything. when you kill one theres going to be 5 more to take his place. i think what we need is less bull**** minimum sentences for marijuana and the like, its daily use really is harmless. look at me, im in college, excelling actually, i dont want to become a terrorist, and im pretty sure i've never accidently killed anyone while high. meanwhile alcohol has killed thousands, same with tobacco. but the governments still allowed to take their slice of that. theres recreational drugs, then theres problem drugs. it is a very fine line i know, but is it so bad to let people sit in prison. if we want to reduce the amount of money we spend of them, how about reducing the number of people in there for crimes that arent worthy of serious jailtime.
Originally Posted by Merkaba
Man, I've read some sh it in my lifetime. That came down the road of craptacular, turned right at retard's roundabout and went up the road to nowhere.
I see your trying to say the death penalty isn't just but what a meal you've made of it. People need to be punished. While no one person should dictate another persons life, it sure as hell sends a strong message out. It's like parenting. If you buy your kids cellphones and cook them their favourite dinners evernight, they're sooner or later going to realise they can have it their way all the time. If you don't lay down the law, people are just going to capitilise on it. It's human nature to try and beat the system. So when you've got smugglers and trafficers out there, they need to know the risks will be fatal, so best play hardball right?
As cheeseman said, you have to think about the flow on effects. They are always worse than the actual crime. And did you just say your kids would be the idiots? If you had a daughter and she was seduced and raped you would call it her fault for having a vagina?
Christ man wake up and smell the flowers. I don't like to see people dying as much as the next, and even for the smallest of offences by comparrison, but think about it...If that guy was a major player in a drug ring when a deal goes bad, there would be more then one person dying wouldn't there. I'm not saying it would have happened, but if it had, killing the guy now as a warning and punishment, would be more effective then letting it boil over where the government has no control.
It's all good and bad. Positive and negative lights to look at it from. I say no to the killings for such and such, but say yes for such and such also.
well you pretty much said nothing. you contradicted yourself. "while no one should dictate another persons life, it does send out a strong message?? well if someone is going to die, then someone has to make the call don't they. and for gods sake i was talking about drugs, its not a womans fault if she gets raped, rape is a sickening crime and rapists should be locked up. for a long time. but if my kids did get a hold of drugs, whatever they may be, i would blame them and myself, and i'd blame them because i'd like to think that my kids wouldnt be so ignorant. and if not, then its my fault for not getting through to them. besides i beleive when you reach a certain age, 16 or so, that you can make you're own descisions in life. personal choice, if my kid chooses to be a drug addict, im going to choose to send his ass packing to rehab. and he wasn't a major player. he was a street dealer, no "major player" gets busted with just one pound on them, if he had a few dozen or more then we'll talk about major player. it just happens he got busted in the wrong country. and did you ever think about him? for all you know he could be selling that **** to put food on the table for his family