Music Banter - View Single Post - Kanye West
Thread: Kanye West
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Old 08-13-2014, 05:17 PM   #716 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
@DJ and Manky, anyone else

How do you guys define talent in hiphop? What makes you value the artists you like above the music that I gravitate towards?
I'm not sure what music you gravitate towards so I'm not sure if we overlap or not. Talent for me can mean a lot of things, but mostly it's just people who are bringing something unique, interesting and immersive to the table. Generally it's about the overall sound of the music, including the vocals, and how it all flows together. I don't care too much about lyrics (which is good because lyrics rarely stack up as quality writing), all I ask is that they not be distractingly bad, and it's a bonus when they actually are interesting in some way.
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