Originally Posted by Mankycaaant
so you wouldn't listen to an album by an artist you didn't consider lyrically exceptional from the modern era?
No I would, I hope it didn't come off that way. I just really don't like Kanye, similar to how you don't like Em, I suppose. I've listened to a large portion of Kanye's discography. However, some artists I just refuse to listen to, like Lil Wayne, because I find him to be incredibly obnoxious.
You just won't catch me praising those albums and I doubt I would ever buy one. I don't go out of my way to listen for that stuff though because generally as DJ said it's not something I have a high appreciation for. I'm content listening to "Liquid Swords" and searching for underground artists whose lyrics I appreciate even if the production is straight garbage.
I'll give almost any album a chance to prove itself to me.
It is a shame the people you showed "Get By" to wasn't into it.
Tell me about it