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Old 08-03-2014, 02:31 PM   #3432 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
Summer Slaughter Tour the day after tomorrow.

Dying Fetus, The Faceless, Thy Art Is Murder, Goatwhore, Origin, Decrepit Birth, Within the Ruins, Fallujah
I've been going to my buddies house, listening to some Fetus for the past few days, just to see what I have in store for me. This is not my usual listening material, and I'm not a big fan of the 'Blast Beat'. Not sure if my delicate ears will be able to take it all in, but at least my friend lives 3 blocks away, so I can take a breather every now and then. Should be fun though. I'll be taking the train to within a couple blocks of the venue, so I don't have to drive anywhere. I need to be careful though since I still have some injuries from the head on collision.
This show was friggin brutal. I had no idea these bands could produce sounds like that. Goatwhore was tight as a gnats ass, Within the Ruins, and The Faceless killed it, as did everyone else I heard (I had no idea who any of these bands were... haven't been into that kind of music for a long time).

I wasn't too impressed with a lot of the stuff my buddy had been playing the few days before, so I was going in to it with a kind of negative feeling, but came out pumped. I know 'live' is usually, if not mostly better when it's done right, but the musicianship of these people is just insane. I might try some of this myself. At least what the guitars/drums/bass were doing. Some sort of facsimile of it.

When I heal up.

It's gonna be a while.
See location...

Last edited by Plankton; 08-03-2014 at 09:45 PM.
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