......I care about the industry and where its going. If you ask me, ever since especially when Lady Gaga came out it has gone to (thumbs down, raspberries). Ever since LG's arrival, you've had Kesha, Katy Perry, Lorde, all copycats copying mediocre sounds (I almost stopped using Roland keyboards after Roland began endorsing LG).
They say everything comes back in style eventually. I believe we are beginning to see this in music. With the 80's how everything was dance pop oriented (e.g. Michael Jackson) Same goes for the vinyls, even new ones. So I believe the Lady Gaga/Beyonce thing we're seeing is a nowadays Madonna thing going on. The problem that exits that didn't exist in the 80's is the technology. When Madonna was out, what was king was the Roland Juno's and NES. Fast forward almost 30 years later, now we have so many more dance friendly products (e.g. Ableton, Propellerhead), the dreaded autotuning and other computer friendly software/hardware I think getting out of the recreated 80's buzz might take some time. If we're lucky, we'll get another Nirvana/Offspring comeback.