Originally Posted by realtalk92
This is very true. I actually think it plays a huge part in why people like popular things. I think for the majority, people like popular things because they want to be accepted socially and they want to feel like they have something in common with others.
Originally Posted by djchameleon
Not really nowadays. It's more acceptable to like obscure things and to shun popular things to make yourself cool and be part of the hipster crowd that also doesn't want to admit to liking popular things.
You 2 are both right but you also have ppl like who are right in the middle of both those demographics..
it's hard to define ppl just by their taste cause sometimes you can be wrong, it is possible to like 2 completely different bands like One direction and Slpiknot..
i mean i myself usually like Noise bands but 'Alejandro' by gaga is my jam! so even the majority mingles with the minority as we should cause in the end our taste in music doesn't have to define who we are.