Originally Posted by The Batlord
I kind of liked my service industry misanthropy. I enjoy not liking people in general and that just made me even better at it.
I agree with you bro. Really I do, I am guilty of that just like next person. There isn't a reason under the sun why your job should cause you that much irritation. And even if the policy is ridiculous, and the customer was not understanding it, if that is her reaction inside, it screams "I'M BURNT THE FU*K OUT." And she should look for something different. Because honestly retail is a job anyone can get, but not just anyone can do. It's not a positive or a negative it just is. I quit last year from my corporate retail because I was at a point where people saying good morning to me was obnoxious, and I was taking 3 xanax just to make it through an 8 hour shift. And I have more pride in my work ethic then to go in bombed and fake it till I make it. People know, when you hate them, even if you don't say it, and you know what I don't like ****ty service from anyone. I don't give ****ty service and I don't expect it from anyone and if my clerk isn't able to provide good service, even if it's an unspoken resentment I will pick up on that and I won't shop there. Because people work hard for their money, especially now, and unless she works in grocery, people don't have to shop there out of necessity. They can choose to go elsewhere, and that leads to poor profit for the company, less chance of raise, and what have you.
Lady don't take this as an attack at all because it most certainly isn't meant to come across that way it. This is just my personal experience with others and myself, not you. But consider doing something different for you. So you aren't miserable.