1. You are the main protagonist of a comic book series. What's the series about?
Post nuclear war where citizens are forced to protest themselves from gangs, drug lords and slavers. It will focus around me and my group who do what they can to end the reign of the villains.
2. What is your perfect weekend evening?
Sitting in the spa at my mates, bottle of wine, nice food and a movie to follow (did that this weekend hehe).
3. What was your most recent injury and how did it happen?
I injured my hip and back because I was texting and walking and I crashed into a wall. My hip has deep tissue damage now.
4. If you could meet any one of your idols, who would it be and what would you do?
I would love to meet Lana Del Rey and we could drive around playing her music while we chat for hours.
5. Who was the last person tell you they loved you?
My mom. But the day before it was my dad.
6. Where's your favorite place to hang out by yourself and get some alone time?
In my room, I love getting wrapped up in my computer games.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots