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Old 07-27-2014, 05:20 PM   #5541 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: NJ
Posts: 7,354

1. You are the main protagonist of a comic book series. What's the series about?

Being trapped in a coma. I have an infatuation with what happens to the mind of a person trapped in a coma. Kinda like "Wristcutters: A Love Story" but not as quirky. More dark.

2. What is your perfect weekend evening?

Dinner, Film, Beer.

3. What was your most recent injury and how did it happen?

OH BOY. Well, last weekend I got f*cking wasted from drinking too much whiskey, found a wooden pallet, put it on a fire in the field of the cabin I stay at, and tried to surf it. I jumped on the side of the pallet with nothing under it, the pallet gave way and I landed on my right leg which was extended. I simultaneously twisted my right ankle and hyperextended my knee. My knee still hurts like **** but I'm too broke for a doctor so I'm waiting it out. We'll see what happens.

4. If you could meet any one of your idols, who would it be and what would you do?

I'd have a cigarette and talk music and art with Tom Waits.

5. Who was the last person tell you they loved you?

Friend who I hadn't seen in a while told me this last night. I miss her dearly.

6. Where's your favorite place to hang out by yourself and get some alone time?

Movie theater. I usually go alone.
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