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Thread: Su-asti-ka
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Old 07-18-2014, 08:55 PM   #46 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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To say that other regimes were on par with that is stretching it. They were awful, yes. But they weren't that.
What about Mao and his "Great Leap Forward" which lasted for 3 years and killed 15 million people by starvation and that's the Red Chinese govt's own count. Historians both Western and Chinese put it far higher than that. A Chinese journalist put it at 36 million. A Western historian put it 45 million. Even the most conservative estimates by scholars place it at 20 million. A good round number would be about 30 million people that died under the Maoist regime in only 3 years.

But we don't care about that because the media doesn't shove it down our throats all day with movies and books and songs and articles about it. The Chinese-Americans, after all, don't run our media.
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