And if you think the Jews didn't use it, think again.

One of the most fascinating uses of the swastika was KRIT Motors--a Detroit automobile manufacturer that lasted from 1909 to 1916. Their official logo was the swastika.

The badge of the 1913 KRIT touring car.

KRIT badge bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Nazi badge.

Nazi badge.

Pre-war courthouse in Philadelphia.

Pre-war bridge in Arizona. America is full of these pre-war swastikas although most are now carefully hidden. I found one in the Masonic temple in Detroit and was told that it was "just a coincidence."

In antique store, I photographed this 1939 Nazi Party banner on sale for $800. I didn't buy it.

the flag of Kuna Yala, a province in northeast Panama.
So for those of you flip out every time you see a swastika, do yourselves a favor and grow the f-uck up. It's just a symbol, it can't hurt you. Honestly.