Swastika banner flies over New York beaches
The above new story concerns a groups of UFO cultists, the Raelians, who venerate the swastika. While people in the West have been programmed like Pavlov dogs to foam at the mouth at every swastika they see, the Raelians' far bigger transgression is that they are a UFO cult. Beyond that, I agree with their stance concerning the swastika. People's reaction to it is largely silly and stupid. Unproductive, at the very least.
This kind of ties into another thread where people were either attacking Sid Vicious for wearing a swastika t-shirt or being an apologist. both sides miss the point entirely: it's just a f-ucking symbol, get over it. If he wore it for the shock value, it's YOUR fault for getting shocked by it in the first place.
It boils down to this: the swastika didn't do s-hit to anybody. It is, in fact, the oldest symbol known to the human race--about 12,000 years old:

These objects from Mezine, Ukraine dated at 10,000 BCE are made from mammoth ivory and believed to be bracelets.

From India circa 9000 years ago.

From the Vinca culture of Bosnia circa 8000 years ago.

From Sumeria circa 5500 years ago.

Ancient Greek pottery.

Tibetan swastika from the Iron Age showing its astrological origins.

The origin of the swastika is likely found in the stars--the asterisms of the dippers specifically. These would denote the four directions which mark the two equinoxes and solstices which are seen as gateways to the heavens.

American Indian basketball team.

Aztec calendar.