Originally Posted by The Batlord
LOL, I love doing that, but seriously, WTF?
What?! I became an online psychic a while back for some walking around money. I did it half as a joke. Thinking no one in their right mind would call me.
Hahaha boy was I wrong! Weekly Top Psychic, has a bonus attached to it. Like, a cashable one....
Best call I had this week...
Caller: "I want to know do ma girlfriend have herpes like she say she do! Oh yeah am I gonna get my check in da mail today."
Me: "Sir, I can't tell you whether or not she has herpes because that would be unethical. And I can tell you, without being psychic that you will NOT get your check in the mail today."
Caller: "HOW you know dat?"
Me: "Sir it's the 4th of July it's a federal holiday."