It's been a couple weeks since I've even seen it but today I was walking down the street where I last tried to buy heroin and it's just had me all ****ed up. I don't even remember what it feels like. The last time (every time, really) I used it I was ****ing hammered. All I remember was some seriously scary ass dude saying "SIT THE **** DOWN NIGGA HOW MUCH YOU WANT!?" I gave him 40$ and he shoved a needle in my arm because I didn't know how to do it myself nor could I. I can't remember what it feels like but I've been fantasizing about that prickling feeling of being poked with a needle in the vein for weeks now. Doesn't really help with a lot of other things I have going on. I'm not sure why I'm posting this, I've had a bit to drink tonight but not even that much. 4 beers and 2 shots? Child's play.
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead