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Old 06-19-2014, 05:19 PM   #4854 (permalink)
Mr. Charlie
Shoo Thoughts
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Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus View Post
Dirty can spell, he said himself that he was typing like an idiot as 216 to hide his identity. I wasn't sure he was Dirty because that episode was before my time, but if you look back at my first rants against 216 I point out that the stupid typing was a total affectation.

If you check the link on this post you'll see he's ok with a pedophile attempting to lure an underaged member here, someone most everyone here thinks the world of.

Don't ask me to let that go. IMO it's way worse than anything Dirty/216 did.
Are you really bringing that up again? Fifteen pages or whatever it was of accusations and argument wasn't enough for you? Bloody hell.

Originally Posted by Briks View Post
That's messed up. You're not supposed to laugh at stuff like that, you're supposed to sympathize with the victim because that ****'s disturbing, immoral and illegal. I'm totally with you.
Not supposed to? Haha. Who decides that then? If you're in posession of the Earth user manual handed down to us from almighty God or Nature explaining how all humans should conduct themself then please show it to me. 'Til then I'll go on living in accordance with my own values, not yours.
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