Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus
Dirty can spell, he said himself that he was typing like an idiot as 216 to hide his identity. I wasn't sure he was Dirty because that episode was before my time, but if you look back at my first rants against 216 I point out that the stupid typing was a total affectation.
If you check the link on this post you'll see he's ok with a pedophile attempting to lure an underaged member here, someone most everyone here thinks the world of.
Don't ask me to let that go. IMO it's way worse than anything Dirty/216 did.
That's messed up. You're not supposed to laugh at stuff like that, you're supposed to sympathize with the victim because that ****'s disturbing, immoral and illegal. I'm totally with you.
Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus
I agree, now that I know what to look for I will be keeping my eyes peeled. Again Dirty is the type that can't be himself without eventually outing himself.
I think he's on the board right now, eventually he'll make himself known.
We have to keep our eyes open..
Originally Posted by WhateverDude
And according to him having sex with women to inebriated to say no is not rape.
Seriously, he said that.
Charlie or Dirty? Because I remember a conversation in the shouty with 216 once, I think it was maybe four weeks ago or something like that, and he claimed that it was totally cool to have sex with a woman too drunk to know what she's doing. I think you were there too, no? Anyway, sounds pretty rapey to me.
By the way, was DoesntReallyMatter Dirty? Like, do we know if it was him?