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Old 06-19-2014, 11:11 AM   #4826 (permalink)
Mr. Charlie
Shoo Thoughts
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: These Mountains
Posts: 2,308

Okay, serious post:

I'm not worth discussing. Some things I say, I mean. Some things I say, I don't mean, but it's never trolling. I say stuff that amuses me, stuff with a subversive message, but I don't post anything in order to bait anyone or stir things up. I don't like drama so I certainly don't try to create it. I'm a harmless joker. And it's up to the reader to figure out when I'm being serious and when I'm being silly. But I am a rapist. No, wait. I'm not a rapist.

The point is I'm just little old me. And little things ain't worth fretting over.
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