Originally Posted by Musicwhore A-Z
CLEARLY Lady Gaga tore a few pages out of Madonna's playbook, for all intents and purposes. However, young music fans SHOULD have their own "heroes", so to speak. There's nothing new under the sun in popular music. Be that as it may, if nothing else,Gaga has the right idea.
This is very true. However, pop artists can still be creative and experimental.
Gaga's problem is she "tries to hard" when she does not have to. She has a legitimate amount of talent where she does not have to sell a "gimmick". She chooses to do that in order to sell alot of records/arenas. The problem is, there are artists that have "been there, done that". I don't mind her drawing inspiration from Madonna, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury etc However, it would be nice if she tried to carve her own lane and not sound so pretentious everytime she comes out with an album, its a turn off because she is not doing anything "innovative"
Madonna may be overrated as far as talent but only a fool would deny her massive impact on popular culture. She is the blue print for alot of what these pop female artists do today. Nobody will never surpass her in my honest opinion as far as "success/influence"