Originally Posted by Ninetales
How is this different then moving for a better employment opportunity? (its not)
It is different because we are talking about sports/teams... not a job. It's a different structure and dynamic.
Cleveland did alot for Lebron. He had been on the team since he came into the league. You are focusing more on the action instead of the principle. There is nothing wrong with him wanting to move to another team. However, it was classless the way he did it. The Cleveland owner and fans did not deserve that period.
Originally Posted by Ninetales
He doesnt owe anyone anything.
He could have at least told the owner before hand.
Your right he doesn't owe anybody anything but at least that would show he has some intergrity and sense of respect. He obviously does not which is why he received so much backlash as a result of it.
He could have told the owner and still left Cleveland. It was classless the way he left and there really are no excuses for it.
Originally Posted by Ninetales
He should stay in Miami because you say it's the right thing to do? He shouldve stayed in Cleveland because you say he shouldve? Boy what a fun linear way to look at life as if it's as easy as "but but he has to stay with one team for his whole career because of some arbitrary rules i made up".
I know what kind of "sports" mentality Lebron has so more than likely he will go to another team and go for the highest bidder. He doesn't have to listen to me lol This is just my opinion.
He does not have a good sense of sportsmanship and teamwork. He is wack because he thinks more about his self and individual contracts versus building a team and nurturing other players to win a championship. He does not want to play against the best. He wants the best on his team so he can win quick championships. Yes I think he is wack for that because Michael Jordan, Magic etc did not do that. I would NEVER mention him in the same sentence as those other great players because he does not act like it.
Originally Posted by Ninetales
Why is he obligated to make huge life decisions based on other people that dont directly affect the situation in any way? but yes im sure you are right and he is not an elite player because he hurt your feelings by being great on 2 teams. Good lord.
He didn't hurt my feelings because my babies won this year!

The Heat are overrated and the team were exposed in this series. They have alot of re building to do as a team. Lebron is not "obligated" to do anything. Nobody is obligated to do anything. However, I do look at him side ways when it comes to loyalty and team effort. He seems to care only about his self. He doesn't care about his fans, being loyal to an organization or a team. He doesn't want to build a team or support his team. I think thats troubling because that is all apart of the sport of basketball and believe it or not that is also what makes a great player. Lebron is not a leader.
Originally Posted by Ninetales
seems like you do most of the whining tbh. maybe its because youve moved in your life. do you even know about foundations???
I am not whinning. I am just expressing my opinion.
Its okay if your upset about the Spurs slaughtering Miami. There is always next year
Originally Posted by Ninetales
mj played with better players than lebron ever has
But MJ did not hop from team to team to win a championship.
In fact, it was years before MJ won a championship with the bulls. They built that team with drafts and MJ waited. MJ rallied around his team, encouraged them and supported them! He was loyal!
Lebron did not do that. Lebron should never be compared to MJ, NEVER.