People who make and force arguments like this make me wish I didn't largely agree with them. Agreeing with people like this somehow feels like failing to make a valid counterargument.
The fact is though, I'm onboard with being against sexism, I'm onboard with being against cisgender males failing to consider alternative positions, I'm onboard with being against discrimination, both positive and negative, I'm onboard with women's rights, pro-choice, trans-inclusive, gay pride, etc. The whole shebang, short of blatant stupidity like transethnics or otherkin, is, frankly, aligned with my social and political radar. I'm against homophobics, racists, TERFs, etc.
I just wish Sansa and the rest of the goof troop didn't manage to consistently argue good things from the absolutely worst, most abhorrently arrogant positions. Particularly when it's not warranted and never needed to be forced into the conversation just so it could become an issue when someone spoke up to tell them to shut the **** up for once.
Also, doesn't anyone else think it's an amazing convenience that in the crusade against stereotyping, priveledged thought and insensitivity, white cis males in first world countries can all be conveniently lumped into one aggressive, sexually predatory and sexist group of unthinking, subjugation-reinforcing, selfish, corporatist, homophobic, racist, neo-colonialist triggering bastards that hate freedom?
Originally Posted by Pedestrian
As for me, my inbox is as of yet testicle-free, and hopefully remains that way. Don't the rest of you get any ideas.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
I'll have you know, my ancestors were Kings of Wicklow! We're as Irish as losing a three-nil lead in a must-win fixture!