Originally Posted by FETCHER.
My dogs really sick, we don't know what's wrong with her anymore really. My mum basically hinted to me tonight that she won't be living a full life, Great Danes only live between 8-10yrs at best and she's almost two. She's still a damn pup. All I can do is give her the best quality life possible (as I would've done anyway) and pray to all the gods (if any) for her to get stronger and put weight on. She's basically starving herself. Were unable to even take her a walk without people thinking we neglect and mistreat her due to how thin she is. I can literally count each rib and vertebrae, the thought of her worsening further has completely torn me apart. The frustrating part is that we've honestly spent thousands of pounds on treatment/tests on absolutely everything available for her and still cant make her better.
Fetcher....this sucks so much....you have my utmost empathy.....i've basically had thoroughbred Airedale's my whole life and all of them have had health problems and died fairly young.....i am so sorry
does she have Chrons Disease?