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Old 06-06-2014, 12:51 AM   #8 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
I`m glad to hear that Paul and JD are back. I don`t count them my friends because we rarely interact with each other, but I`ve enjoyed reading their various contributions; JD with her photos and Paul with his interest in all things igneous. As I understand it, JD was briefly banned for recently describing butthead as " a piece of **** ", which raises the semantic debating point, Is it technically an insult to call someone a piece of asterisk ?

Paul and JD aside, I`ve felt something very similar to you recently, neapolitan, and I would be sad if you were to leave us. I like the way you contribute, sparingly but to the point, and you have rightly won the respect of many people here over the years. It may not be announced at every post, but I`m sure the affection is there...

Not so long ago, the thread about "Are we welcoming to newcomers?" clocked up 329 posts and there are no shortage of "MB is doomed" type threads, but do they help retain existing members? At best, these threads are followed by a flurry of well-intentioned efforts before everything subsides back to some natural base level, the way water does. Not much point trying to push water uphill, but I wonder if minor changes in individual conduct here would do anything to reduce the continual drain-off of some of our most worthy members, by which I mean people who came here keen to discuss music, hung around for a number of years, but ultimately found MB unsatisfying. The list of members like that is depressingly long and doesn`t need neapolitan added to it.....
Just to clarify, JD was not banned for an insult. She actually requested a ban because of her annoyance that butthead/dirty was still here. I subsequently banned him and unbanned her and Paul. Sometimes, people need space from here. Many people take it too seriously.

In terms of welcoming new members, that has been kept up to date. Many mods and members welcome new people in their introduction threads. In fact, we have plenty of great new people that have joined the forum in the last couple of months who have stuck around. MB is a pretty welcoming community but at the same time we can argue over things.

My personal commitment is to keep trolls like dirty off the forum so that people don't feel like they can't be bothered to post with the endless drama dominating.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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