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Thread: Carpe Mortem
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Old 05-28-2014, 03:21 PM   #12 (permalink)
Black Francis
Out of Place
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Come on Carpe, it can't be all about the jokes you need to get a little personal too and share those boring feelings that get you all butthurt at times.

i have noticed that sometimes in this site we indulge drama cause there is nothing else to do and we pounce on stupid comments we can easily ignore and make every little **** a big deal just for the hell of it and i for one like it this way.

i luv defending my pretentious morals as if i actually care when i really don't
getting that upper hand over strangers on the net kinda like what you're doing with this thread, putting yourself above the whining members here yet sharing the same bull**** feelings as everybody else.

The way i see it is you're either that personally invested or else you're just here to kill the time without any personal involvement and both routes are fine by me but they are 2 different forum experiences.

You coulda easily avoided that drama and not make a thread why you are above it, but you didn't, why is that?
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