SAN FRANCISCO / Fire at school leads to arson charges - SFGate
That happened, back in junior high. I knew one of the kids that did it, too. The article neglects to mention that it was actually almost a third of the hill that was on fire.
shit was
fuckin scary.
In high school we had a really awful, soulless teacher named Ms.Cement. I mean, she was horrible- ripped up art student's artwork, called people worthless. Everyone knew she was just bitter because she probably hadn't gotten laid since the 70s. But yeah, she was an *******. And someone shat in her office. There were other pranks pulled against her too but that was the worst. One of the funnier ones: We hung this... sculpture from the ceiling above her desk. Every day we added something too it. It started out as a a few paper clips and some pens and by the time she noticed it we'd managed to balance a lamp shade, coathanger, one of those artist's figurine things, and a bunch of other stuff on it to. It was ****ing hilarious. "WHO PUT THAT HERE!?!?!! I MEAN WHAT ON EARTH!? THIS ISN'T EVEN ART!!!" Remember that **** like it was yesterday.