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Old 05-27-2014, 11:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 11,172

Every once in a while I like to list a few people I enjoy here. It’s about that time…

Neapolitan – Sleeper favorite. I appreciate his world view even if I don’t get it sometimes. Someone I used to battle with on the forums, but have seen in a new light thanks to plug. Has given me some of the best new songs. Owl Service comes to mind. I imagine him to be a mystical sage, sipping tea somewhere in the woods of Pennsylvania.

Batlord – I like that he doesn’t take things too seriously. He skirted gif-city during the Rez craze, but I think he’s a force for sanity here. I hope I get photos of he and Carpe’s children.

Anticipation – the only guy who’s sense of humor I like constantly around here. When the mob gets crazed around here, his dry one-liners have me in hysterics. Also, sex machine.

Janszoon – It is obligatory, where I’m from, to always look upon Yankee brothers with favor. Even though he’s decided to live in that bastards grease trap known as Philadelphia, I will list him just the same. Great music taste, fantastic debater, makes an incredible soufflĂ©.

Trollheart – Thanks for being the only cat to read my journal. And you played WoW. Solid resume in my book. Most unique butterfly collection of anyone I know.
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