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Old 05-26-2014, 03:14 PM   #4518 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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thanks for the kind word francis

batlord you are correct, i guess i never really thought about it til now. i do dislike the idea of social idealism and thats why i often mock it and many other things. cause i see ppl with facebook posts, tumblrs, forum posts etc and its just all talk. i feel im very grounded in reality. i dont care much for idealists and prefer practicality

hatepaperdoll - really cool new member, her username is not fitting and misleading

francis/batty - cool guys, dont take things too seriously. ive said before but if you happen to be on mb whenever batlord signs in for the first time of the day its funny. you can keep refreshing the new posts and you will see batty reply to like 10 topics in a row with one lines. i appreciate his humor

neo - still a bro but im a little shocked and a little proud. he was really trollin last night in plug which is so unlike him. sometimes i think the mod power in plug goes to his head a lil bit

smeenus/jd - for those wonderin they banned themselfs i believe. i think to strongarm mods into giving me a ban for havin differing opinions on rape stuff. i showed them how rape stats are bloated during a discussion and likely due to personal issues with the topic they got emotional. i was really not trollin and im dissapointed pete closed the thread after i debunked the misleading stats bein floated around. i also dont appreciate being attacked by them or called names since i havent done the same. when you 2 come back i hope you can resolve whatever issues u may have or just put me on ignore. i wasnt being personal with my opinions

arya - social justice warrior type of person. meh

dwnwthvwls - thought he would be a turd upon arrival, didnt seem to have a grasp for general forum culture or ettiquette imo. i thought his expectations for here werent relistic but i like the guy. i like when hes in plug

engine/rez - eternal bros

Last edited by butthead aka 216; 05-26-2014 at 03:23 PM.
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