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Old 05-25-2014, 09:23 PM   #47 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
Indeed. Frightened is what they want us. Far easier to bullsh*t a population, to introduce more laws and take away freedoms when they're scared, sh*t, they'll even believe the loss of freedom is for their own good.
i agree completely. i really wasnt tryin to be personal in this thread but these are all of my true thoughts, take em or leave em. there will be ppl on earth with differing opinion and i can back up mine with plenty of facts anytime someone needs them

its like the terrorist stuff. there always this media sensationalism and fear mongering which over dramatizes and over hypes the news to keep you watching their programs. in turn, more isolated incidents SEEM like they are much more prevalent than what they are.

it applies to rape stats too. if u look at those feminists around college campuses spewing that 1 in 4 women are raped, then do the research yourself, u end up seeing that the study was completely loded purposely to bloat the stats because of self-interest.

what the best way to get someone to follow your idealogy or plans?? Fear.
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