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Old 05-25-2014, 11:33 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
of course i understand or try to understand the grief and anger him and his family has. but just on the issue at hand hes completely wrong. i dont think its been said how the kid got the gun????? he said in the video about 'they wanna talk about gun rights'... well yea they do cause they are important lol. its a constitutional right
^ That`s true at the moment, but it doesn`t have to be the end of the story. The American constitution has been amended in the past, and presumably it could be again.

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
He got the guns legally. I heard from a different source. Even if there was stricter gun control. He still got them legally so it wouldn't have even mattered.
Some liberals like to equate gun control with banning all guns but they aren't the same thing.
^ Actually, dj, isn`t it the opposite that`s true? With effective, strict gun control, the guy wouldn`t have been able to get a gun legally, so it might have made a difference.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
well its a trade off u make as a society. u can either:

1) not have guns

-no psychos who shoot up movie theatres
-cant protect yourself or family or property

2) have guns

-psychos who shoot up theatres and school
-protect yourself and family or property

since takin guns off the street isnt possible theres only one option. but i think gun owners should maybe need to take mandatory classes or somethin. i still dont think it would stop the occasional psycho but theres stuff that could be in place. its just a matter of settin all that stuff up and creating that system that is the tough part
^ CB has already pointed out that you can protect property without guns, butthead, so I`d like to point out that even if guns cannot be taken off the streets entirely, it`s still possible to take some steps in that direction. It would be a tough, controvertial process, but there are plenty of things that could be done.

Although it`s a different time and place, what happened in Britain might serve as a guide to what is possible. After the Second World War there were quite a few illegal guns floating around - admittedly, most of them were just German souvenirs that people had no intention of using, but a similar process could still be applied in the US to good effect:-

i) declare an amnesty in which guns can be voluntarily handed in
ii) crank up the costs of gun licences and penalties for unlicensed guns
iii) establish strict controls about gun ownership. In Britain, that effectively means that you have to prove that you want it for hunting or sport; as far as I know, no-one is licenced to hold a gun in a city, for instance.
iv) give authorities the right of inspection, which means that a registered gun owner has to show, at a moment`s notice, that his gun is kept in a safe, locked cabinet, or he risks having his gun confiscated.

It`s not my country, so I don`t know the detailed circumstances and don`t want to appear too critical, but maybe America could benefit from some of these measures too.
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