Originally Posted by WhateverDude
Tweakers are some of the dumbest people I've ever had the displeasure of having met. Seriously, they're ****ing stupid as ****. But you get enough of them together, they're a force to be reckoned with. Especially if they haven't had their fix.
Kids, don't do meth. Have you seen Breaking Bad? ****'s bad ****ing news.
A dumb force to be reckoned with, since they keep trying to steal THE SAME FREAKING CAR OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Like, I'm glad it's not ours that they're trying to jack, but seriously, that alarm is horrifying (the first time I heard it, I thought it was an ambulance or a bunch of police cars screaming down the main road).
(unrelated but I really enjoyed Breaking Bad.)
Originally Posted by WhateverDude
Unrelated: I like to swear a lot. I have a special fondness for profanity. Why the **** can't I swear here without being censored? And how are other people getting away with it without being censored?
ugghhh same, I have a terrible habit with swearing all the time.
I think I get it from my father.
If someone made a montage of any given day, I think I'd have said "fu
ck" a couple hundred times, called a lot of people "as
sholes" and uttered "son of a fu
cking bitch" a handful of times. Don't be mistaken, though. I'm a goddamn lady.