Originally Posted by djchameleon
Thanks for the mention. I have enjoyed our conversations around video games the most I think. I feel like that is where you shine anime and video games are your main strengths. Speaking of anime, I would love to get back into watching more of it but I will probably take my time with it and start with just one series instead of jumping all around different ones.
Thnx man
Right now im watching Michiko to Hatchin, if you like Cowboy bebop or Samurai champloo you'll like this show.
The main character is a hot black brazilian girl, you don't see that often in anime.
Originally Posted by ladyislingering
Most of the time, my hyperbole means I'm kidding. (Also I just really love the way a person can use language to color things, so even when I'm kidding, the imagery is spot-on.)
I'm so "mean" to people I completely adore sometimes but they know I love 'em.
It works for you.
i just wanted to know if it was real.