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Old 08-04-2004, 03:43 PM   #25 (permalink)
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There's a great rock pub in my city centre, which I used to love going to when I'd just left school. I always dressed in my usual going out gear when I went there, which consisted of baggy jeans, skate trainers and more often than not a band t-shirt. One day I'd been playing soccer on the local fields, and I went in after for a cooling down drink over some Iron Maiden, Soundgarden and whatever else the DJ felt like playing that evening. The number of scowls and evil looks I got made me think, it seems a lot of people who dress rock hate it when the non-rockers stare at them, and yet they do the same back because someone happens to be wearing an adidas tracksuit top and running shoes.

Too many people with double standards.
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